

Starting Fall 2024 I will be a postdoctoral research associate in Philosophy at Princeton University, working with Lara Buchak and Andrew Chignell as part of the PRÉCIS project. I obtained my Ph.D. in Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University in May 2024 after joining the program in September 2018. I did my M.A. in Philosophy and B.A. in Translation and Interpreting Studies at Boğaziçi University in İstanbul, Turkey. I am originally from Havza, Samsun, a little town in northern Turkey with excellent hot springs. I am type-1 diabetic (since 2002).

My research is both historical and contemporary. It involves the history of philosophy in 8-13th century Islamic world as well as contemporary philosophy of language, epistemology and metaphysics. I use the conceptual tools in contemporary philosophy to reconstruct and further develop the under-explored contributions by the philosophers in the Islamic tradition. I also work on the nature of modality, attitudes and misleading communication. Here is my CV, research output, talks and teaching materials.

Theologian by Osman Hamdi Bey (1907)